Nukhet Hendricks
4 min readMar 31, 2018


“Let the one in least fear, Lead!” — Unknown Author

I remember it very clearly! Every time I wanted to try something new when I was in my teens through young adulthood, I would tell my dad what I was about to try. He would say, “God willing sweetie”. I would reply with “God IS willing Dad… he is simply waiting on me!”

He would laugh affectionately, knowing how determined his first born has always been; and then he would nod and say “He probably is!”

Back then there was nothing that could stand in my way if I wanted to do something. If someone suggested that something could not be done, my response was “watch me!”

The belief that God is always willing to lend me a hand when I decide to do something and take action became the wind beneath my wings and helped me flew the coup to move to USA in 1987.

And then something happened! I noticed that my women peers were afraid to be brave. Everyone was so cautious. I didn’t realize it back then but I had lost all my “brave and fearless” women role models and I, slowly, without really intending to do so, conformed to the norm while God stood willing and waiting on me!

It took me years to finally to get that familiar “I am going to live my life on my own terms” feeling back. I have been affirming this over the last 18 months with how I live and what I do. One of my acts of affirming it was to speak about “women’s fearless leadership” to over 200 women last month. I was longing to ignite the fire within their hearts; awaken the lioness within. I felt deeply honored to have the opportunity to talk about what I know to be true — that it is time for women to step into their power fully and completely.

I want to share everything I shared with them here with you. I will continue speaking about “Women Leading Fearlessly”! And why the time has never been more ripe than now to step into our power! GOD is willing…He is just waiting on us!

Let’s start with what on earth “fearless leadership” means! I believe “Fear limits a leader. Fearless leadership is an approach that takes the woman leader to her next level of leadership!” It is an act and attitude of making choices that honors us and aligns with our core values instead of to please someone or conform to outside pressure.

Despite having successful careers, women leaders can be their own worst enemies by sabotaging their success at work–and even at home. Even if they are successful, they still hesitate to play big. This happens because they harbor self-defeating thoughts and habits without thinking about the consequences or the messages they send to others who can influence their career opportunities.

Why should women lead fearlessly? I reached out to women leaders whom I know lead fearlessly and I asked them to give me their compelling reason why women should lead fearlessly.

Here is what they said:

  • To live your life purpose and passion! ~ Cindy P.
  • To be a role model! ~ Shannon M.
  • To have the greatest impact you can.~ Michelle B.
  • Partnering with my feelings of uncertainty and fear allows me to move from where I am now to where I want to be…To create something or to be someone that hasn’t existed for me yet. ~ Kim L.
  • To promote both personal and professional growth. ~ Sherrie L.
  • Live it to give it. ~ Susan W.
  • Help people realize their potential and bring it out so they can BE what they are meant to be. ~ Beatrice T.
  • It brings me joy and gives me the structure of sharing authentically who I am. Having a positive impact on others is very fulfilling. Dawn H.

How about you? If you lead fearlessly, what is your compelling reason? I would love to hear it. Hit reply and send me an email.

But if you are not, you can find out by clicking here and taking the “Are You Leading Fearlessly?” quiz.

My passion is to ignite the fire within women and help them embrace their “fear-less-ness”! After working with me, my clients awaken the passion within them they didn’t even know they had.

If you are ready to have a conversation about leading fearlessly, I’m inviting you to schedule a conversation with me. Just click hereand let’s chat! I would love to talk with you how we can ignite the fearless woman who is waiting to come alive.

God is willing… He is waiting on you!

This is your day! Lead Fearlessly,



Nukhet Hendricks

Woman Leader's Coach & Consultant | Nonprofit Professional